Transportation route:
From the career close to Ignatovo village (Dmitrov highway and ring road A107 crossing)
To concrete factory in Dolgoprudny town
Distance: 85,6km.
Relief: hilly with steep and long ascents and descends. Career exit is extremely steep ascent without hard-surface pavement. Around 10 traffic lights. Full distance total time 3-4 hours.
CNG consumption was measured by manometer, diesel fuel was measured by fueling up to full tank at the same fueling station, same fueling post and same fueling meter
Измерения расхода газа производились по манометру, расхода солярки методом залива до горловины на одном и том же пистолете одной и той же АЗС.
In diesel-only regime diesel fuel consumption was 65 liters per trip or 75L per 100km. In dual-fuel regime consumption was 31L of diesel fuel and 37nm3 of CNG, substitution coefficient 52%.
In diesel-only regime total trip cost was 65L x 30 rubles (price with corporative discount) = 1950 rubles (39USD);
In dual-fuel regime 31L x 30 rubles = 930 rubles (18,6USD) and 37nm3 x 14 = 518 rubles (10,4USD), which gives us 1448 rubles (29USD) in total.
More detailed report about Mercedes Actros dual-fuel conversion see . here